Friday, October 23, 2009

update!(sorry it has been so long)

So we are all moved in here in Lubbock Texas. The house is beautiful and perfect for us. Ana's furniture is set up in her room and looks really cute. I don't know how to get photos from my camera to this computer yet, but I'll ask Nick to help me upload them the next time he is home. Her room is decorated in black and pink with one wall painted with dark and light pink vertical stripes. We have just about everything we need. I'm still shopping around for a glider or rocker, I can't make up my mind, and we still have to get the all important car seat. I think we are getting that this week. Now on to more important news. On Tuesday October 20th we had an ultrasound. Ana was facing my back so we didn't get any pictures of her face but could tell that she has some hair on her head. The ultrasound also showed Ana is breech, she is skinny, and the fluid level surrounding her is low. Needless to say that was not the news I was expecting. Until now we have had nothing but perfect check-ups. My weight has been right on target; Ana's movement has been more than good and I have felt really good for the most part. So now I am scheduled to go twice a week for "non-stress tests" and once a week for an ultrasound to check the fluid level. A "non-stress test" is just a 20 minute monitoring session. I sit in a chair with a fetal heart monitor and a contraction monitor on my belly and I push a button each time Ana moves. It sounds really boring but it is very comforting so just sit and listen to her heart beat and hear her moving around. Right now I am 32 weeks and 5 days so my fluid (amniotic fluid) level should be 10 to 13 but it is 8. The doctor said that it is considered "low normal". So if it gets lower or if she doesn't turn in the next two weeks I will have to have test run to check her lung development, then they will inject steroids into the cord and we will deliver early. Nick and I had already discussed scheduling an induction for December 7th, so he would be home and I could relax a little, but now I may have to have a C-section much earlier. This isn't the end of the world and Ana is in good health. Her overall weight is normal but her belly is just skinny. I'm guessing she is just going to be long and tall like her daddy. I'm going to stick to soups and milk for awhile and see if that helps her gain any weight. I'll try and keep you posted little better from now on. JJ

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