Saturday, August 15, 2009

We are having a ..........

We are having a GIRL!!!!!!! Thursday August 13th 2009 we heard the answer to our long awaited question. The nurse asked if we wanted to know the sex of the baby. My answer "YES! Desperately!" and then she said it "this is a little girl"!!!!!!!!!! YAY!!! Her name is Anastasia Rose Johnson, we will call her Ana. At 22 weeks 4 days she is 1.3 lbs and has a heart rate of 158. This was our last visit with Dr. Harris here in Tyler. I have an appointment set for August 27th in Lubbock at our new doctors office. I'm looking forward to meeting the new doctor because my current doctors office is not very nice and never answers phone calls or emails. Hopefully the new offices staff will be more attentive. Tomorrow I will officially be 23 weeks and I'm about 90% sure I have started having "Braxton-Hicks" contractions. I only seem to have pain when I've been on my feet for a long period of time and once I get comfortable(well as comfortable as I can get) it gets better and eventually goes away. Tomorrow is the first baby shower. I've very excited because this will be my last chance to see the ladies closest to me before we move. I still can not believe we only have 4 months left until Ana is here! With all of the packing and cleaning that has been going on I really think the last month has slipped by me. Nick will be driving the Uhaul to Lubbock this Wednesday and I will stay here in Tyler Thursday and Friday to finish my last week at Texas Spine and Joint. I'm really going to miss everyone but I'm very excited to move to Lubbock. I'll be working for Nicks dads office and will be able to work from home after Ana is here. Everything really has fallen into place and I don't think I have ever been this happy before in my life. Ok, its after 9pm and the dogs are looking at me like "why are we not in bed?" hahaha. I'll try to post again after the move and maybe get more pictures up. -JJ-

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