Thursday, April 9, 2009

The past few days...

Sunday night my mom told my little brother (he is 8) that he was going to be an Uncle. He looked at her kinda funny and said "why would I do that?" hahaha. She told him that Nick and I are going to have a baby and then he said "O! ok then I'll be an Uncle" as if he has a choice. He is so silly. Monday morning my little brother told my grandfather that he was going to be an Uncle so the beans were spilled. I called my grandmother after I got to work and told her the good news. She is a little forgetful (if you know her your are laughing at that statement) so I was concerned that she wouldn't remember if I just told her over the phone. But when I said "I'm going to have a baby" I could feel how excited she was. We talked for a good 20 minutes about how she raised all 4 of her children and other things like that. Typical Grannie stories:) By the time I got of the phone I was sure she would remember. This will be her second great-grandchild and she is very excited about that.
So my mom is really excited!!!! I think after the bought the first set(yes she has purchased more since then) of one-zies it really sank in. :) She took me to lunch on Monday and when I got out of the car she did her silly squealing-shaking her jazz hands-smiling really big excitement dance haha. If you are related to her you know exactly what I'm talking about. It made me feel so good to see her beaming with excitement.
On Tuesday I wasn't ready to eat anything so she brought me some fruit and more baby clothes. :) I love my momma <3
Wednesday and today have been good. I'm starting to really feel some of the early symptoms but its so exciting I really don't care how bad it makes me feel. This week is my 5th week so the babies heart has started to form and blood has started flowing. How crazy is that!?! Our little ball of cells has begun the amazing transformation into a real human. I keep catching myself just staring down at my stomach wondering what exactly it must look and feel like. Kinda strange I know but you have to admit that it must be a pretty cool thing to see.
I have my first doctors office visit on May 12th but its just to get a basic check up and stuff. Then my real first visit with my new doctor is May 18th. By then I will be 11 weeks along and not to long after that we will be able to find out if it is a little boy or girl. Its strange how I already feel so much love for someone who doesn't even have a gender yet.
Well I'm hungry and I have to run to the bathroom (again) so I'll post more another day.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

The positive test!!!

So I woke up Saturday April 4th at 7:30am and for some reason just decided to take a test. I really didn't expect it to be positive and was just going to take it and then toss it in the trash. I set it on the counter and took the dogs outside. When I came back in I could not believe what I saw! TWO LINES!!!!!!!! I was going to wait to tell Nick until I had taken another test but I couldn't keep it from him. I held up the positive pregnancy test and he looked at me with this confused and still half asleep expression and said "what?....what is that? it right?" Once I stopped laughing/crying he gave me a big hug. I took another test later that day and then another this morning. I'm so excited!
I called my mom to let her know that she was going to be a Grandmother. It was the most amazing feeling to tell my mom that I was about to go through the same experience she had gone through 23 years ago when she was pregnant with me.
I then sent a text to my younger cousin, Erin, who is more like a sister to me than a cousin :) She was really excited too.
I had to wait another hour before I could call Nicks mom, she was in Church. I called her and said "well I just want to let you know that we are going to have a baby!" she started yelling :) She was really REALLY excited and that was really exciting for me. I'm so grateful that I have such a supportive relationship with her. Nick had already told his dad that we would have a special Christmas gift so I'm pretty sure he already knew.
So here i am searching the internet, reading about the amazing journey we are about to begin:)
If you have made it this far then you must really care about us so thanks :)
I'll keep you posted-JJ