Sunday, April 5, 2009

The positive test!!!

So I woke up Saturday April 4th at 7:30am and for some reason just decided to take a test. I really didn't expect it to be positive and was just going to take it and then toss it in the trash. I set it on the counter and took the dogs outside. When I came back in I could not believe what I saw! TWO LINES!!!!!!!! I was going to wait to tell Nick until I had taken another test but I couldn't keep it from him. I held up the positive pregnancy test and he looked at me with this confused and still half asleep expression and said "what?....what is that? it right?" Once I stopped laughing/crying he gave me a big hug. I took another test later that day and then another this morning. I'm so excited!
I called my mom to let her know that she was going to be a Grandmother. It was the most amazing feeling to tell my mom that I was about to go through the same experience she had gone through 23 years ago when she was pregnant with me.
I then sent a text to my younger cousin, Erin, who is more like a sister to me than a cousin :) She was really excited too.
I had to wait another hour before I could call Nicks mom, she was in Church. I called her and said "well I just want to let you know that we are going to have a baby!" she started yelling :) She was really REALLY excited and that was really exciting for me. I'm so grateful that I have such a supportive relationship with her. Nick had already told his dad that we would have a special Christmas gift so I'm pretty sure he already knew.
So here i am searching the internet, reading about the amazing journey we are about to begin:)
If you have made it this far then you must really care about us so thanks :)
I'll keep you posted-JJ

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