Thursday, May 21, 2009

10 weeks/first doctor visit and ultrasound

On Monday May 18th we saw our baby for the first time. It was amazing! I was alone in the room with the doctor when I first saw the ultrasound image. I couldn't breath, all I could do was stare at the monitor and cry with joy. There was our baby! It was still at first, maybe sleeping I guess. Nick walked in about 30 seconds later and took my hand, I snapped back to reality. My heart started pounding and I started crying even harder. That must have woke the baby because it started to move :) It turned and was waving its tiny arms. We could see the heart beating and the doctor said that it looked as if it had the hick-ups. The baby is still only the size of a prune. It's crazy how it can be that small and look just like a full size baby on the ultrasound. My mom took some pictures, that at the time seemed a little strange, but I'm glad she did because that was a moment I will remember for the rest of my life. I hope one day someone will develop a way to see babies in the womb daily. Seeing our baby moving around was the greatest image my eyes have ever seen. I keep replaying it over and over in my mind. In about a month or so I should be able to start feeling it move! And on June 23rd we will have another ultrasound and maybe find out if the baby is a boy or a girl! So get your votes in :) At that time we will also hear the heart beat. I'll be sure to update and get pictures up as soon as I can. I have posted some of the ultrasound pictures. Enjoy -JJ

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